Saturday, May 10, 2014


The fearless three year old, whom I look up to in so many ways, took off on her own yesterday. She has been practicing with her devoted Dad, to learn to ride without training wheels. Yesterday, she decided to practice. Her practice involved her riding down the street and me with my jaw falling down! We are so proud of our determined girl. She was so proud of herself and wanted to show everyone that she knows!

I don't remember learning how to ride my bike but I do remember riding it on my own and feeling brand new. I remember being a cautious child and constantly worried that something bad may happen. I remember wishing I was more like my sister, more like Marlee, stronger. Marlee is everything I wanted to be as a child- confident, caring, funny, carefree, silly, strong, tough, loving, observant, accepting, happy.

I think about her fearlessly riding away and I want to fearlessly ride away on my memoir. I want to be confident that I CAN do this. I want to believe that everyone will be proud. I want to have the strength to get back up if I fall down. I want to be that carefree.

I will continue to work on that as long as I live...